Sunday, July 19, 2009

Start-up and Rules

Shockingly enough this is my first ever blog... really! I mean, I've posted thoughts on MySpace, Facebook... had "blogs" during my youth pastor days.. even published and hosted my own Podcast. But I've never had a true blog. Why? Cuz I suck at writing and I've never felt like I've ever had anything interesting/important enough to write about. Certainly nothing anyone would ever be interested in reading about.

But, here we are. A blog... the only place someone can say relatively anything they want and not get in trouble. So here's the rules:

A) It's time for me to start writing and thinking about my passions. I've always been impassioned about spirituality, community service, social justice, authenticity, theology, and apologetics. Not to say all of my posts are going to be on these things. But I feel most of them will be.

B) That being said there are a couple of logical thoughts about these subjects. First of all, my thoughts are mine. I'm not perfect. I certainly don't know everything about everything. I may write something that is completely wrong... and I'll have to apologize about it later! I may write about something and oh man it's soooo hypocritical! That's ok... as I'm writing it I'll probably be banging my head with my fist wanting to change my life. Don't judge... just think.

And lastly, C) I will encourage any readers out there to comment on a post. But I will never, (unless it's to make a correction) and I mean never, respond to comments. This blog will not be used as a forum for debate or fighting. Like I said, these are my thoughts!

So with that being said... Let the games begin. I guess I'll write something whenever I'm inspired to write something!

